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Small Farmer Summit 2019


Small Farmer Summit, 2019 intends to transform agriculture and develop entrepreneurship by analysing the activities performed till date, achievements made as well as providing guidelines for the future for the promotion of small farmers. The goal of the Small Farmer Summit, 2019 is to integrate small farmers of the country and related institutions for the exchange of resources and experiences With the main slogan of "Prosperity of Small Farmers: Transforming Agriculture and Developing Entrepreneurship", this summit includes the dissemination of experiences, case studies, video presentation, interaction, questionnaire, announcements in subjects related to small farmers and agriculture. The summit intends to provide guidance and support to around 1000 participants in the way of prosperity through agricultural transformation.

Aim of Summit:

  1. To expand necessary support to Small Farmers for the promotion of small farmers through Agricultural Transformation and development of entrepreneurship.
  2. To provide necessary information regarding various programs of Agricultural management conducted by the Nepal Government as per the federal system as well as conduct discussion regarding policy level challenges and solutions.
  3. To exchange relevant information regarding entrepreneurship models of cooperatives and relevant measures for the development of Small farmers.
  4. To exchange relevant information to small farmers regarding the management of the agricultural market, ease in agricultural financing, insurance & renewable energy techniques.
  5. To ensure the members basis of receiving efficient services from the cooperatives that have a well-managed remittance system, effective leadership and good governance as per the principles of sustainable development.

Expected Outcome of the Summit:'

  1. It is believed to achieve outcomes in the favour of small farmers during and after the completion of the summit.
  2. It is proposed to prepare a joint declaration from the suggestions and recommendations received from the participants to achieve the target of promotion of small farmers during the Summit.  The declaration is intended to provide relevant information to policymakers to understand the problems and requirements of people involved in agricultural cooperatives for the promotion of the sector. The recommendations made during the summit is believed to be reflected in the policymaking process.
  3. It is planned to hand over a summary of the summit encompassing all the commitments made during the summit. The document is intended to provide consciousness among the general people as well as is believed to be used as the achievements of small farmers in national and international platforms. For the evaluation of the activities of the summit, a questionnaire & survey has been prepared. After the completion of the summit, a report of the summit is also planned to be prepared.